Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Build a Better Sony PS1 Classic Console

Let's get this going and play some games. We have been busy with life and the Gamotopia was in the back burner but never dead. We will have some of our best efforts turned towards it to make a significant force in the gaming universe.
For now, let us drop a small honey drop of an idea. Thinking of getting a #Sony PS1 Classic mini console for $99 to play old games?

May be you can do better, you can Build a Better "PlayStation Classic" Console from the ground up with some easy to come by components. A Raspberry PI, RetroPie software and some games from PS1 BIOS archive. The idea comes from lazygamereviews, simply LGR on Youtube. The instructions are easy to follow, watch the video. If you decided to build, the parts list is after the jump.

Win32 Disk Imager
PlayStationClassic RaspberryPi